Saving one horse won't change the world, but it will change the world for that horse.
Our horses have acres of 'heaven on earth' pastures They go out every day and we are blessed with a wonderful healing land and plenty of grass for our horses - which of course is what Mother Nature intended they eat in the first place.
We are blessed to offer them spiritual, healing land with plenty of grass to graze
– this is what Mother Nature intended.
Because Holistic Healing is so critical to the Spiritual and Physical health of our "Equine Guests", we felt a "Holistic Corner" was essential to tell our stories, our healing processes, our healing products, and the Spiritual Day to Day Happenings at Casey's.
Our equines sleep in cozy, clean, fresh water, well ventilated stalls with windows and some with run-outs. They can eat their food in peace and not have to worry about fighting to survive. Many horses that were starved can be food aggressive so this helps them relax and enjoy their new life instead of having to worry about trying to survive.
We have an animal communicator (donated time) that can sometimes help evaluate how an animal may be feeling or hurting. We are then able to tell our vet, farrier, and massage person (we are blessed that they are all open minded) what the horse has communicated which helps them pinpoint where to look and work. Pretty amazing!
We use our Bio-mat that incorporates infrared heat and therapeutic crystals get deep into the tissue to help everything relax so they can heal. You can watch the horse’s eyes and body relax when you put the bio-mat on their back. As they completely relax, they seem to fall asleep.
Chiropractic and massage work (donated by professionals) are effective healing treatments that help when our rescued equines have injuries or soreness. Both are non-invasive and highly beneficial healing treatments by increasing circulation, relaxing muscles and relieving tension. Sue saw the benefits of chiropractic work 25 years ago when it saved the life of her horse, Casey.
We use essential oils and magnets on sore and stiff areas and incorporate energy work in the healing process, such as Reiki, on all our horses to clear any energy blockages that could prevent them from healing. The combination of the treatments continually show significant help in healing our rescues both inside and out.
We also treat our equines with laser therapy which penetrates deep down in the tissue reducing inflammation and promotes healing. It is pain free and non-invasive as opposed to injecting an area with a drug that can cause toxins to reside in their system that could create other issues
Go Green ICS donates their natural insect repellent products to the rescue. We use their outdoor spray to eliminate biting flies, mosquitoes and ticks around the barn. The natural spray is safe to use directly on our equines and us humans! The natural insect contact killer and repellent products have made the barn much more comfortable in the summer for all of us.
We feed our equine “guests” as much natural foods as possible. Our grain is GMO free, no Soy products and has organic pre-biotics & pro-biotics. Feeding them chemicals and pesticides defeats our healing goals and causes a slower healing process. We feed sweet potatoes on a daily basis and our rescues that have few teeth get sweet potatoes and carrots ground up into the consistency of cole slaw. We use supplements for our rescues depending on their needs.
BT Naturals donates their balm and oils for the rescued “guests”. These products have gone a long way in solving digestion, respiratory issues, pain, inflammation, skin problems and more.
Thank you BT Naturals for your generosity.
We use Himalayan salt blocks for all our horses. These are rich with nutrients and made from our wonderful earth, while processed salt blocks are made with formaldehyde.
There is so much that goes into helping a rescue horse. Many come in skinny, abandoned, abused and neglected. The first thing that they need is to feel loved, safe and wanted and that love comes from our wonderful volunteers!
Our volunteers are committed to the health of our rescues, some of which live in our sanctuary and will live out their lives with us. They give them love, groom them, take them in and out to their pastures and just love on them. It is wonderful to see the sparkle come back into their eyes and their overall health, physically and mentally, appear from all of the attention.
Equines need to have their teeth floated (filed down) yearly by our vet, Dr. Golden, to make sure their teeth meet properly. If an equine’s teeth do not meet properly, or filed, he or she can starve as eating becomes too painful.
Then, it’s nutrition and rehab. We are a holistic horse rescue and sanctuary, so we use holistic healing treatments before resorting to drugs that can often create other problems.
Dr. Golden has worked with us and knows and participates in our philosophy of holistic healing. But we know that she will also help us make decisions on possibly needing drugs. It is a great relationship that has developed over the years.
People helping HORSES helping People
Casey's Physical Address: 8N005 IL Rte 47, Maple Park, IL 60151 | Casey's Mailing Address: PO Box 103, Elburn, IL 60119 | Registered Illinois Horse Rescue License #14155 | Approved Illinois Charitable Organization Tax-Exempt 501(c) 3 Organization | Internal Revenue Service File #45-2865627 | | 630-945-2724